Food Episode




| Food |




Patel, Arti | McDermott, Vincent  | Benjamin, Sonya | Vrankulj, Adam | Nathler, Christian


Master Episode List

Project Tracking Spreadsheet

Proposal Draft 1-Food  

Proposal Draft 2-Food

Podcast Brainstorming

Medium: Coffee: Artist Package

Final Feature Draft 

Web Links


Elevator Pitch


You just finished making dinner, and a pile of stems, seeds and rhinds are left on your cutting board.

Most of us do not think of food beyond satisfying our hunger. While many of us rely on a soulless neighbourhood grocery store for food, some have grown their own food organically and fresh, choosing self-reliance and ingenuity over long line-ups and outrageous prices. Others think outside the box, and use their food for art instead of a meal: jewellery, clothing, makeup, or art.


Picture yourself making  your own whiskey and beer before a big party, or growing your own fresh produce section in the backyard. Imagine using eggs and oatmeal to create an inexpensive moisturizer or even a detailed canvas painting. These people are food hackers and they found that playing with their food is a good thing, despite what our mothers told us.






Episode Links


Contact Directory - Food


Notes - Food


Drafts - Food


Final Copy - Food


Episode Tracker - Food 



Message Board



Oct 1 Hey, we have an assignment due Oct 9 by 1

Oct 9 Everyone work on the wiki and add your own sections, then we can edit, TOXBOX is also cool! 

Oct 9 Everyone, we are meeting at 4 at the journalism lounge right, I know some people can't make it just start writing My number is 647-828-1126 (Arti)

See you guys then. If anyone wants to get anything done earlier, I am hanging around the RCC doing some writing all day.

-Adam 416-200-6298

-Scratch that, how about we do this online? The TokBox in the wiki? Skype video? This way, we can all edit the doc at the same time, while communicating.

THe likelihood of getting a row of 5 computers is looking pretty poor right now at Ryerson (midterm time).


Oct 10 Hey group, I think the proposal looks good. Arti, you've formatted it beautifully- looks great. Any think else you guys think we should add? Last night, I added a new graf to the elevator pitch. Arti, you think it still needs more?


Oct. 23 Hey group, Sonya here. I believe we have another draft of the proposal due next week. Did everyone get interviews done this week? And are we meeting up anytime soon?