life experience degrees

certificate factory (also known as degree factories) is an organization to grant academic degrees and certificates to sub-standard or no research and no formal education by the accreditation body recognized by the land. Buyers may then ask the holders of academic degrees, organization is excited to make money. These life experience degrees are often awarded based on vaguely be interpreted as life experience. Some of these organizations accredited by the organizational structure of a large number of non-recognized unapproved requests made by the appointment of the veneer in order to provide certainty.


When the term of the degree of "factory" and "certificate factory" generally are used alternately when the difference in academic circles are sometimes extracted


Certificate stroll often confused with the well-known named qualified academic institutions similar to those. Regardless of trademark law is the fact that in order to prevent this situation, the certificate stroll to continue to use legitimate for help to avoid the different methods. An example of this is Thomas James Kirk's LaSalle University. In their marketing and advertising activities, the factory will often misleading to ask "was accredited," when, in fact, many find to be "imitation" appointed Governing Council signed by the company set up to participate. Attempt to potential students, appear more reasonable, and the appointment of wandering in the United States Department means testing in the actual identification of the possible implications of modeling them on the higher appointment (CHEA). Some services may even notice symbol to transcripts and certificates to confirm to look more legitimate. Other interesting typical requirements for the plant next to the internationally recognized organizations such as UNESCO. UNESCO, however, does not have accreditation or recognition of higher education commission, or their plans and certificate of organization. When the certificate of license to do business wandering too often, it is common practice in the industry among the abuse of their business licenses must contain the Government's approval.