Herbs for eye health

My son, aged 12, was found short-sighted recently. His reading was 1100 degree (1,1) for each eye. Is there a supplement that may help him? What about the advice he can practice on a daily basis?


blueberry, standardization of 25 percent anthocyanidins, is a powerful antioxidant and has a stabilizing action of collagen and muscle relaxant properties, which also have anti-aggregation, decrease blood glucose and the anti-ulcer. Bilberry extract has been shown to accelerate the regeneration of rhodopsin (light-sensitive pigment in the rods of the retina) and to improve visual acuity in dim light. Eyebright helps relieve conjunctivitis, itchy and irritated eyes.
A formulation containing herbal eyebright and bilberry, with other herbs such as wolfberry fruit value, also known as wolfberries, which are rich in carotenoids, helps improve night vision and blurred vision. As a rich source of lutein, spinach provides protection against macular degeneration. This synergistic formulation is well suited for the maintenance and treatment of various eye conditions, including short sightness.
You can also tell your child to eat plenty of fresh, raw vegetables and leafy greens. Apricots, mangoes, cantaloupes, blueberries, carrots and sweet potatoes are elixirs for the eyes. They are rich in vitamin A, which is vital for eye health, preventing easy fatigue, irritability, light sensitivity and night blindness. Eat foods that are nutrient-rich anti-free radicals, such as beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, E and minerals zinc and selenium to protect against the harmful effects of free radicals that damage proteins in the eye. Exercise eyes. Turn them in a circular motion without moving your head. Blink eyes. Do not look at the computer screen for too long, if he works on a computer.